In no circumstances are refunds available for domain name registrations except for domain name transfer requests that have failed. Domain name transfer refunds are made in accordance with the terms below.

All refunds are payable less the Transaction Charges applied by Stripe.

Refunds can not be made in the instance that a customer has ordered a web hosting service and is unable to amend the DNS records of their domain name if it is held with another company.

Refunds can not be made in the instance that a customer has ordered a web hosting service and is unable to retag a detagged UK domain name if the domain name was not originally registered with MyWebGuys.

No refunds can be made 30 days after the service is ordered. For the purpose of clarity, if a service is ordered at 09:00 am on the 1st of the month, a refund is payable up to 09:00 on the 31st day of the month.

All refund requests must be submitted by email to & must be sent using the email address submitted to Stripe when the service was purchased. Refund requests submitted using an email address other than that which was used when purchasing the service will not be processed. If a subsequent request for refund is submitted outside of the 30 day refund period outlined above then the original request is not considered to be a valid refund request. In such instances any refund is at the discretion of the Supplier.

Any request for refund submitted outside of the 30 day refund period outlined above shall be processed at the discretion of the Supplier.

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